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Our CTE and VPA teachers (from left) --Mr. Masuta (Art), Mr. Klackle (Computer Science) and Ms. Ghosh (GID)

Upcoming GID 1 and 2 Game Design Projects in the Spring Semester
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Fall Semester GID 1 Project: Design Your Spooky Ghost Busters Game Top of Page

VR Gallery housing student work samples Top of Page

Blender 3D Dance Animation Challenge Top of Page

Another 3D Model Sample with Dance Animation TransitionsTop of Page

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Getting familiar with 3D Character Modeling, Armature Rigging, Animation, Keyframes and Rendering (including light, sound, camera angle adjustments) on Blender and Video editing/ adding effects/transitions using Capcut.

Student work samples in the GID 1 Class!
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GID 1 Unity Project

GID 1 Unity Platformer Microgame Project

This was the first completed game design project that students in GID 1 worked on using Unity Game Engine Platform. This Microgame helped them in getting familiar with the Unity Interface and grow confidence in building future games from scratch. They were able to complete the beginner friendly tutorial series in Unity and make changes in th UI/UX design of the Game to make it their own. They tried to focus on the User Experience of the player to ensure that the gameplay gets more interesting and engaging! Go ahead, play it out!

Projects: Astro Sticker Design Using Adobe, Word Game Design, Animated Explainer Video CreationTop of Page

TIDE Astronaut Stickers designed by GID 1 students using Adobe

TIDE Astronaut Stickers designed by GID 1 students using Procreate

TIDE Astronaut Stickers designed by GID 1 students using Adobe

TIDE Astronaut Stickers designed by GID 1 students using Adobe

TIDE Astronaut Stickers designed by GID 1 students using Adobe

TIDE Astronaut Stickers designed by GID 1 students using Adobe

TIDE Astronaut Stickers designed by GID 1 students using Adobe

TIDE Astronaut Stickers designed by GID 1 students using Adobe

TIDE Astronaut Stickers designed by GID 1 students using Adobe

Student Work Samples on GID 1 Project: 3D Modeling of Pumpkin using BlenderTop of Page

Student Work Samples on GID 1 Project: Create UI/UX Design of a Food Delivery AppTop of Page

Career Technical Education (CTE) is a program of study that involves a multiyear sequence of courses that integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge to provide students a pathway to postsecondary education and careers. The CTE program at TIDE Academy focuses on in-demand occupations across a variety of career pathways.  
Our CTE classes at TIDE Academy are also dual-enrolled with Foothill College, allowing students to earn college credits while also earning high school credits for the same course. Taking dual enrolled courses prepares students for the transition to college by earning college credit in high school, and helps students jump ahead in their postsecondary education. Dual enrollment courses are taught in partnership with Foothill College. 
TIDE Academy prepares students for STEAM careers through Computer Science or Business Marketing pathways. Two of two highly in-demand industry sectors of California's 15 Career Technical Education industry sectors. 

Student Work - Computer Science
Traverse a 2D Maze
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Write a program to run through the course. You should set your Shpero Bolt down at the starting line and when you run your program your robot needs to figure out what direction is North (using the compass) and all instructions should be based on that collaboration.
  • Your robot must start behind the starting line
  • Your robot must go past the finish line
  • Your robot must not go outside the tape between the start and finish line (on the tape is okay)
  • Your program should be autonomous once your robot has been placed at the starting line 
  • Run your program
    • Use the compass to calibrate the direction
    • Use as many commands as you need to complete the course
  • Test your program, fix and re-run your program

JavaScript Block Code used for assignment
Computer Programming JavaScript Blocks at TIDE Academy

Student Work - Computer Science
Robot Swimming
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Write a program for your robot to swim around the cones. Your Sphero Bolt needs to start in the designated area then it needs to swim around the cones in figure eight, and return back to the starting area.   
  • Robot/program should be autonomous. 
  • Run your program
    • You could use the compass or alignment tool to calibrate the direction
    • Use as many commands as you need to complete the course
  • Test your program, fix and re-run your program
JavaScript Block Code used for assignment
CTE CS Block Programming at TIDE Academy

Please find below some student work samples in the
former CTE Business and Digital Media Marketing Class.
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Andrew's Website to promote Family Business

Andrew's "Project: Create your own Website" for His Family owned Business